Advantages of Invisalign Braces for Adults
You’ve finally decided to talk to our Sapphire Dentistry team about getting Invisalign. Congratulations! These translucent aligners offer a variety of benefits and advantages that correlate with your busy personal life and career.
Here are just a few reasons why we think they’re great for adults:
Nobody Has to Know You’re Wearing Braces
Invisalign is made from crystal clear materials that blend in when snapped over your teeth. Just clean your trays out at night with a soft toothbrush and water to keep them free of debris or build-up. Unless you’re a few inches away from someone, they probably will not be able to tell that you’re wearing anything in your mouth at all.
Eat Whatever You Want
There are no dietary restrictions when your orthodontic aligners are removable. Just take them out during meal times to enjoy all of your favorite foods: including harder, crispier, or sticky items. Bite into that fresh apple without ever having to worry about an appliance breaking off.
Easier Care and Maintenance
Which type of orthodontic system allows you to keep brushing and flossing your teeth as usual, without needing extra tools or aids to keep your mouth clean? You guessed it: Invisalign. Just remove your aligners and care for your mouth the same way you always have.
Minimal Impact on Your Schedule
Invisalign aligners are created electronically. That means we don’t have to “adjust” them the way we would conventional braces. This unique feature means we can keep your appointments to a minimum so that you’re not missing important work meetings or children’s activities. Take your trays home ahead of time to keep the treatment moving along as prescribed.
Sapphire Dentistry is open late and Saturdays. There’s never been a better time to straighten your smile. Contact us today to schedule an Invisalign consultation.